Barefoot Water Skiing Figure 8 & Endurance Tournament... WE DO IT FOR GEORGE!

The Tournament
Figure 8 & Endurance
Are ready to get your feet wet in the Figure 8 and Endurance Tournament that was started by the Legendary Banana George Blair? George was larger than life and the best ambassador of the sport of barefoot water skiing ever!
You don't need to be the best barefooter on the lake... you just need to have heart... like George!
SATURDAY is the Barefoot Figure 8 Tournament. Two footers go behind a boat driving a Figure 8 pattern in Lake Silver. Whoever stays up the longest moves on in the bracket, loser moves to loser bracket. Double Elimination.
SUNDAY is the Endurance challenge. The boat goes in a large circle and the laps are timed. Sudden Death Elimination.
Pro Division (Previous Figure 8 Winners* and All Ages)
Open Division (Men and Women All Ages )
Senior Division (Men and Women 60+)
Junior Division (Boys and Girls 16 and under)
Saturday Boom Division (Free entry, free shirt)
*If You are a Figure 8 Winner, you can ONLY compete in Pro Division

2025 Schedule of Events
Figure 8 - Saturday, October 25
730am – Skiers/Safety Meeting
8am - First Skier on water, Prelims all divisions
8am- Davie the DJ starts rocking!
10am-12pm Concession stand
12pm - 1pm Boom Division
1pm - Finals all divisions
330pm - Clean up
7pm - Cypress Gardens Ski Team Show
Endurance - Sunday, October 26
8am - Skiers Meeting
830am - Junior Division
10am Open/Senior/Pro Division
3pm – Awards, Clean up (everyone)
Figure 8
Head-to-Head Rules (Saturday)
1. Deep water or step-off allowed
2. Must be on feet by start buoy
3. One re-ride for start will be offered for falls before start buoy
4. Re-ride will be given for boat driver errors at the discretion of the Chief Judge
5. Competitors agree on speed or speed is 40 mph (38mph for Senior/Junior)
6. If a competitor concedes speed he gets choice of sides
7. If competitors agree on speed but not side, there will be a coin toss
8. If competitors agree on start method and can’t agree on sides, there will be a coin toss
9. If a one competitor uses a step off ski, the deep water start gets choice of sides
10. You can be on the table but not past center line when the boat is turning and have to be off at all other times.
11. Tournament provides two 75-foot ropes w/wake handles
One footer, many circles (Sunday)
1. Competitor picks speed
2. Competitors are timed.
3. All competitors must do one complete wake cross each lap, after completion of the first lap. Driver will stop boat if not completed by start buoy.
4. If a skier completes FOUR laps the boat driver will begin to tighten the circle
4. Tournament provides one 75-foot rope w/wake handle
General Rules
Saturday & Sunday
No butting out
Disputes handled by Chief Judge and decisions are final
Skiers must be ready on the starting dock or will be disqualified
No taping of feet. None. Zero. Zip.
No Clincher Gloves
Low Pole only
No Whining
Trash Talk Encouraged